mandag 5. april 2010

Raj "the King driver of Rajastan"

Dere der hjemme faar unnskylde, men i dette innlegget vil jeg gjore et forsok paa aa skrive det meste paa engelsk av hensyn til han det handler om, Raj sjaaforen vaar i Rajastan!

With very little knowledge about Indian roads we hired a driver in Dehli for fiftheen days. This was instead of taking trains, bus, taxi, and autorichshaws wich was our original plan. We where told that it would be more convenient and also since we where three people it would  be less expensive.
It would  also save us a lot of time, and I think that really was the "selling point".
The fact that it also was much hotter than we imagined, made it easy to choose a driver instead of walking around in the blistering heat with very heavy backpacks! (we also talked to other backpackers later on the trip, who had not taken a driver. They all said we made the right choice!)

Our driver was supposed to take us through all of Rajastan, and also take us to some of the famous sites in Dehli and Agra. I can say now after the 15 day trip that we where very lucky to get Mahavir Singh as our driver, or Raj wich is his nickname.
Raj means "king", so basically we drove with the "king driver of Rajastan!"

Raj took us to so many beutiful and fantastic places, and many of these we would not have seen if it was`nt for Rajs good knowledge of Rajastan and all it famous sites!
He was always taking us to good hotels in our price range (after a little bargaining ;P) and we all felt safe and good in his company.
And that is a key issue for us.. or me. The traffic here is really a bit crazy compared to what I am used to back home. There is really much more to watch out for and very difficult to forsee what`s going to happen right in front of you. I think Raj is a really good and experienced driver in Indian terms.
So driving with him was really the basic thing that made me feel comfortable and relaxed all the way through Rajastan.

Also I very much liked his company and his good sense of humor!
Raj was always in for a good joke, and the term "same, same but different" was applied to many of our topics about India. In the end we said it to almost all things we talked about and discussed.
We had many good laughs!!! In the end Raj was not only our driver, but a good friend on the road!

At the end of the trip he was kind enough to take us to his home in the city of Alwar. There we met his family, his lovely wife Mira, and his son Paras! (and soon Paras will be a big brother ;)
Mira made us the best lunch we had through all our stay in India, and Raj was the perfect host in his hometown. It was a bit sad leaving him at the trainstation in Alwar and heading up north to Amritsar...
It was good that we found a T-shirt, in Rajs favorite colour which had the printing "same, same but different" on it. This was our little farewellgift to him.

The 15 day trip through Rajastan was a very good beginning of my journey through central asia.
I think that Raj was very much of the reason why my "vacation" was starting this good!

Thank you Raj for taking us safely through Rajastan!
I hope you will succeed in our every endevour!!!

Raj with my cap!

Somewhere on the road. One of many places we had a little break and filled up with food and drinks.
It was very long drives, and it was necessary to strech our legs from time to time.
The car was a brand new Tata Indigo.
Hans and Raj are planning where to go next. This is at a hotelroom in Jodhpur.

Raj is making a turban on my head.

Here we have ordered some food and having a good time at our hotelroom in Pushkar.

Raj is a very kind person. Here he is feeding the monkeys and cows between the citys of Ajmer and Pushkar. This is supposed to bring you good luck!

Raj and a giant grasshopper!

This is Raj, his son Paras and me at his home in Alwar.

This is Raj and his wife Mira.

Hans, Raj and Toni at a palace somewhere on the road...

Here Raj is writing some words in my traveller journal.

If you want to experience the same things as I did in Rajastan... or even more, don`t hesitate to call me for advice. I will get you in touch with Rajastans safest driver!
Or you could just contact Mahavir Singh yourself through facebook. I have him on my friend list!
His mobile number is: In Dehli, 9868473221
 In Rajastan, 9950196297 (from Norway you must dial 0091 in front)

Hvis du vil oppleve de samme tingene i Rajastan som jeg gjorde... eller enda mer, ikke nol med aa ta kontakt med meg for gode raad! Jeg setter deg gjerne i kontakt med Rajastans sikreste sjaafor!
Eller du kan kontakte Mahavir Singh selv gjennom facebook. Han er paa min venneliste!
Mobil nummeret hans er: I Dehli, 9868473221
I Rajastan, 9950196297  (fra Norge er retningsnummeret til India 0091)


Disse ordene fikk en ny mening der vi forlot vaar trofaste sjaafor paa togperrongen. Vi er alle like, vi kan le og graate av akkurat de samme tingene uansett hvor man kommer fra!
 Men forutsetningene vaare for aa ha et godt liv avhenger mye av hvor i verden man er fodt...
Uten aa utdype det noe mer foler jeg meg veldig heldig som er fodt i Norge!!!

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